Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

web design mockup software

web design mockup software
web design mockup software

hello and welcome to another edition of allabout apps from the cleveroad studio. it’s good to see you all again. today, we are discussing design. we’re going to find out about wireframes,mockups, and prototyping. we’ll also discover how they serve to perfectthe design. the interesting thing is that there are differentpoints of view concerning these concepts. if you ask google about the differences betweenthem, you’ll receive literally hundreds of thousands of results. having read all the information, you may stillbe unclear about what they are.

at cleveroad, we have worked on numerous wireframes,mockups, and prototypes. based on our experience, we’d like to shareour vision on the topic. so, what is a wireframe? well, it’s a kind of draft of the product. a wireframe introduces the general schemeof the app or site and shows the layout of its components. it is usually the first step in the designprocess. wireframes may differ depending on the levelof detail. however, all of them reflect a basic viewof the app or site showing the intended placement

of buttons, tabs, icons, and other elements. when you make the wireframe, consider theend-user. that is, as if you were making it for yourown use. it doesn't need lots of detail. but, if a whole team is going to work fromit, or you intend to introduce it to a client, then a formal style and detailed view arepreferred. before you begin wireframing, try to answerthe following questions: which ui elements are the most important forthe user? which elements are a secondary consideration?

how are they going to be arranged? what content will appear on the page? all in all, you’ll see that wireframes helporganize data and clearly show the content to be displayed on a certain app screen orwebsite page. you might decide to omit wireframing if youare working on a very simple or short-lived project. if this is not the case, then approach thetask with a great care. let’s proceed to the next stage of designwhich is about creating a mockup. not only will you understand how the objectsare going to be arranged, but see their shapes,

fonts, and, sometimes, colors. if wireframes tend to skip all the tiny details,mockups, on the other hand, aim to fully illustrate them. you should think or a mockup as a static representationof the final product. it is not just a blueprint but the finishedlook of the application or website. here, the designer decides on the button names,icon forms, font sizes and types. they also set the spacing between the elementsand determine the intervals and gaps. wording and terminology are being selectedat this stage. also, the designer starts choosing imagesthat will appear on the site.

before you start working on a mockup, findthe answers to the following questions: which colour-grade is to be applied? how will the navigation be organized? what input fields, search symbols, menu buttons,and other components are currently missing? what is the common theme of your app / site? mockups help decide between alternatives ofthe final product representation. if possible, produce several different optionsto choose from and make a final decision in collaboration with the client and team. when the mockup is ready, it's time to createa prototype.

you might be wondering whether or not thisis required. in design theory, the word ‘prototype’has a specific definition. it’s roots come from latin. proto means origin and typus means form ormodel. if we talk about the prototype for a mobileapplication or website, what we mean is not just a static picture but an interactive modelthat can show particular results depending on the actions taken. the prototype might not be exactly the sameas the real app or site, however, it should be very close.

this is definitely not a black and white drawing,but a faithful copy of the product that’s going to be deployed by your customers. to make the process of prototyping clear,try to answer the following questions: how will the users interact with your product? what is the sequence of changing screens orpages? what can be done in order to optimize theuser experience? are there any better alternatives for representinga particular option? prototyping is the best way to show your clienthow the final product is going to look and function.

it faithfully displays all the vital optionsand demonstrates its visual representation. i hope by now that you have a better ideaabout the concepts of wireframing, mockups, and prototypes and have a clearer view ofhow they differ and relate to each other. note that there are many automatic tools tohelp in their creation. if you want a list, follow the link belowto read the full cleveroad article. i’ll see you next time with another excitingtopic from the world of mobile applications. stay healthy and don’t forget to subscribe!

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