
gmac web design and development
>> good morning everyone and welcome to theoctober form call meaningful metrics with sarah kaczmarek. i would just like to remindeveryone as you want to ask a question today you can raise your hand by clicking the handicon next to your name or cherry typing your question in the chat box i would like to introducemyself i am alisha tsn the community manager for the web content web forum and today weare really lucky to have sarah present she is here from gal and she dashed we asked heron monday 2% so we are really glad to have her. sarah is an analyst in the office ofpublic affairs of the us government accountability office. she recently completed a two-yearprofessional development program working on evaluations of various federal programs. sarahhas maintained multiple internal websites
for her agency and this is her first experiencehelping to improve the usability of the public website and i think you'll find her reportand her presentation today really useful. so i had sarah.>> alright thank you. so i am going to talk today through the presentation and then iopted to actually give to both senior executives the gal and also all the way down to the analystlevel and as a presentation that really focuses on seeking what we've learned from using datagathered in google analytics over the last couple of quarters and turning that into waysto improve our website to make it more usable for our audience. so i am going to talk througha few main points today. the first is going to be looking at who uses our site and howwe look at different user information. the
second is looking at how users come into ourwebsite the third is looking out what pages they start when they first come into a gaosite and then looking at pages viewed in general on the site and finally what we have donein terms of stuff now that we have the data and gao and google analytics on our site inmid-march and this presentation is focused on the third-quarter fy 12 and the data wehave excluded all our internal users which is our best project -- and looking analyticdata and focus exclusively on users to our site. so i will go ahead and start. firstlooking at our users. we have about 527,000 users coming to the site each quarter. priorto having google analytics we were using a different tool which was not as good at trackingjust specifically people coming in and looking
at the site. it was also including thingslike fonts and colors and we did not have a handle on exactly how many people were comingin and looking at the site now that we have google analytics we can see specifically howmany people are coming into our site each day, each week each quarter and keep the nighton how that traffic grows over time. we have also been able to see how many users are newto our site and since we originally said installed analytics about 62% of our users are new lookingat the next quarter data we see this number dropped down by a few percentage points andwe expect more people to return to our site and when we had analytics for longer and wewill see more returning customers to our site. in addition we know that about 5.5% of ourtraffic is coming in from a mobile device
and mrs. continue to grow as we have seenour next quarter data and it is been really helpful having information on mobile becausewe recently launched a gao.government will happen and we were able to see what the trafficcoming in from ovals that most of our traffic was coming in from iphone users. we were ableto make an informed decision to decide to go with an iphone app first and now we aredeveloping an android app cousin the -- was from android. in addition we see that about3.2 million pages are viewed on our site each quarter or about 1 million views per month.so diving in a little bit deeper to look at who these users are that come to our site.analytics provides a feature where you can see the different service providers trafficcoming into your site and we were able to
look at this and see that we get are reallybroad array of visitors that come to the gal site. one of the most frequent visitors isactually horizon -- verizon customers and while that might not be the most intuitivething there are a lot of citizens who come into our site and if they have verizon wouldfall into that category. in addition a lot of other federal agents these are some ofthe top visitors to our site and that is really helpful for us to the at gao because we doaudit other federal agencies and it does make sense that they are coming in and viewingour work. in addition congress is one of the most frequent visitors to our site and atgao we do our work for congress so we are also able to look at how engaged is the congressand what we have been able to see is that
the crime groups actually is more engagedthan our average user. they tend to spend more time on our site, they tend to view morepages per visit, they tend to be more likely returning visitor to our site and so reallyall these different levels of engagement that we have to look at we have been able to seethat for us our primary customer is more engaged than our average user. another thing we lookat is visit duration and you can look at the average visit duration and also a breakdowninto different buckets of time and looking at our average visit duration average userspends about 3 min. on our site but within that 50% are saying -- staying for 0 to 10seconds so that actually really was an important message for us in saying we really need towork on trying to make a stronger first impressions
so that we are engaging more users to thesite right off the bat and we have really been trying to identify specific things thati will point out as we go along as to how to improve that first impression to make ourwebsite more engaging and really hook people in for a longer amount of time. in additionwe can look at pages per visit and again on average we have seen users view about fourpages per visit but this also breaks down into 50% of users doing one page and so usersthat view one page this is where the term bounce rate comes in and i'm sure if you arefamiliar with analytics you seen this term and a bounce rate is exactly what this isshowing that the user comes in, they view one page they don't do anything else and theyleave. so that is another indication to us
that we can do more to engage this group ofusers that are coming in viewing one page and staying for short amount of time and tryto provide them the concept that they need up front and really help engage them morewith the site. so another thing that we look at is how people are actually coming in tothe site. and i would call this sort of different pallets that users take. the first path isby search and for us 54% charge or just over half of our traffic is actually from a searchengine and primarily on google. and then 33% start what is called direct traffic and sodirect traffic includes either they type it in a gao address into their brides are theyhave it bookmarked or the majority is probably actually coming from e-mail and did she -- toget our different e-mails where we provide
any reports and testimonies that one out thatday and looking at the different pages that people come into from direct traffic we thinkit is very likely actually that a majority of our direct traffic is coming in to e-maildasher from e-mail. next we have referral traffic so this is traffic coming in fromdifferent websites and different news agencies are actually for us in the third quarter themost popular website referral came from pds and actually stayed consistent as the topreferral site in the fourth quarter and the third quarter are two other most popular sitesof sending traffic were the new york times and fox news. so definitely a variety of sitesthat are sending traffic to our site it was very interesting also looking at the socialmedia referrals as well. in our fourth quarter
we actually saw that facebook was our secondhighest referral source followed by twitter. in the third quarter they were about our fourthand fifth highest referral sources. so looking within that and taking all of the differentsocial media traffic that comes into our site in account for about 2% of the traffic cominginto our site and gao does have a presence on facebook or we are on to better and everyweek we see the number of followers grow steadily over the quarter we are able to see that growthreally substantially and so that just helps us know that our efforts engaging in thesesites really are helping to bring in traffic from the public. so jumping back to the trafficfor a moment the traffic coming in primarily from google. we will look to see what keywordspeople are searching for when they are coming
into your site. for us actually primarilypeople are searching gao on google and then coming into our site from their. looking alittle bit deeper you can see some of the other terms government accountability officegao.gov popular publications are yellow book which is -- in our redbook which is centralto the federalgovernor and those tend to be things that people come in to research termsand you can see gl reports there we also have a big protest function so that is anotherreally popular term and i will show you how this differs from what people are searchingactually within our website. the landing pages where people are actually starting on whenthey begin their visit. i know working on the website people tend to typically thinkthat people begin their visit on the home
page and navigate from there but actually51% or over half of our traffic start on the product summary page so we issue reports andwe also issue legal decisions. 36% of our traffic is starting on a report product summarypage so if you are familiar with gao word ports every report has a one light dash andthen that gets translated online into her one page project summary page and 15% of ourtraffic is starting on a legal product summary page. so what we found actually is that thesedifferent product summary pages and they all look very similar to the one that is up onthe screen are really -- homepage and so this is an area when we're we are talking abouthalf of our visitors staying 0 to 10 seconds or half of our visitors only viewing one pageand leaving this is a page where we have really
started to focus our efforts to try to improvethe design to make it more engaging and more well coming for users so we can help drawmore people in and get them that content that they were looking for when they came to oursite. and actually 60% of the people that start on the product summary page leave fromthis page so it is even higher than our site wide 50% of people leaving after viewing onepage. that includes here viewing our report which for us we spend a lot of time workingon our reports and we really want to make sure that people are getting that key informationthat they came into the web for and downloading the report or a podcast playing the podcastand so we are really working to enhance the visibility of those features so that peoplecan get that content easily. and 28% of our
users actually start on our homepage and iam going to talk also about how users have been interacting with our homepage and someof the things that we have actually been doing with analytics to change the design of ourhomepage. one of the things that you can see in analytics is how much of -- are engagingwith different content on any given page and one of the things that we have found withanalytics is that people were not engaging very much with the right-hand column of thepage and it is part of our the page where there is a lot of blank than a lot of taxedand so what we were able to do looking at this and also through some of our usabilitytesting that we do is come up with a more streamlined design of the right column ofthe page which i will show you at the end.
also another feature that we look at is howmany people are searching within our site as sort of another measure of engagement andwe found 14% of our users were using our internal search feature. you can see here some of theterms that are were users were looking for and really how much this differs from whatpeople were searching for when they initially may be came in through google and maybe typedngo google and google and so you can see the terms here are much more specific things likemedicare, contract performance internal control contract dispute so really much more specificterms so people probably looking for a report or a legal decision leading to one of thesethings. i am taking a broader view besides just what pages people come in and and lookingat webpages are people visiting regardless
if they entered on that page are not and wehave here as sort of our peer amid of page views and looking and really focusing on afew key sections of our website and i am going to focus primarily on our items that we havein our top navigation across her site where you can tab to testimonies are legal decisionsabout gao multimedia and then we have a few other specific webpages that are very importantsecondary navigation items for us and these are different collections of works that youhave including our high risk lists our efforts on overlap and fragmentation across the government,our efforts on disaster response and i am going to talk about how we look at those pageviews to change how some of these things are laid out and navigated to within our website.our most popular page i guess visited again
our project summary pages and these pagesaccount for almost 1,000,000 page views over the quarter or almost about a third of ourpage views and that little red*there indicates that these pages have a bounce rate of about50% so as i mentioned earlier sprouted summary pages have a bounce rate of 60%, people justleaving from that page. going down the level looking at about between 320 and 245,000 pageviews per quarter and then we start to get into our primary navigation so this wouldbe legal decisions legal protests testimonies and then our homepage is one of our most viewedindividual pages on our site with 245,000 page views over the quarter. going down againnow we are talking about 79,002 46,000 page views so we really have job jump down in magnitudehere and on the right excuse me on the left
we have about gao again this is a page whereour bounce rate has been higher than that 50% so it is something that we are keepingan eye on. do we want to make changes to enhance that section of the site followed by careersand are yellow book is also one of our individual pages that gets a lot of traffic. it is avery popular document on our site. then going down another level looking at about 31,000page views to 14,000 page views per quarter and then we get into our section of resourcesfor which provides different things for researchers, research for federal managers and then fromitalian we start to get into our secondary navigation items and that is also really importantso this -- we have a website specifically looking at outlook on the debt we have oneon our high-risk list and then we are going
to be really leasing a new section on oursite that is going to focus on key issues where we have a lot of reports and a strongbody of works on different topical areas and right now we have a lot of that informationin part of our high-risk area that i've broken out under what we call other challenges. wewere able to look at that data on other challenges to see okay this might be a baseline for whenwe launch the new section of the site, traffic we can expect initially, at least based onwhat the content has said and hopefully the content says that what we see there is higheronce we have launched the new section. that is another way that analysts that expose helpfulin helping us think about sort of benchmarking for new items on our site. and then goingdown even further for 7000 page views to actually
380 we get into multimedia which is anotherelement on our primary navigation and for us is really helping us focus in on the ideathat instead of having multimedia as a separate element at the top of our website that younavigate into it is something that we really need to integrate consistently with associatedcontent and we have really been working to innovate and think about different ways thatwe could consistently house multimedia with the associated content so that more peopleare accessing the videos in the podcast that we are putting out because right now about2% of our traffic goes through our multimedia section and by con tract the other end ofthe spectrum about 11% or 10% of our traffic goes to other items that are on our primarynavigation including our reports and testimonies
in our legal decisions section so that issort of what the slide for us and we need to prove this and as well it is a sectionwhere it does have a bounce rate that is above our 50% mark so this is an indicator to usthat we can do more to be integrating multimedia on our site. and then coming back to the secondarynavigation items location and cost savings recovery acts and disasters. the traffic actuallyon our disasters website was so low that instead of going forward and making it another collectionon our site giving it a medallion it we are actually going to be working it into the keyissues section of our site that will come out and we were able to use this informationto make the decision that this might work better in our topical areas instead of oneof these larger websites that we have within
our site. talking about the next step someof the main things that we have been using this data to make decisions on at our agency.so first is we are going to improve the design of our products summary pages. we know thatthis is really homepage for our site and that 60% of our users do come into one of our productssummary pages are leaving from there and we really think that we can do more to make thatpage for engaging and more welcoming place for our users when they first enter our site.next we are working to do more to graphically showcase multimedia with his contact. i talkedabout our multimedia section of the site only getting about .2% of the traffic over thequarter and so this is something that we are really working to integrate with content throughoutthe site and also work to make it really visually
appealing so for example trying to add a fullshot of a video on products summary pages to get people engaged more in our multimediaas well is to get people engaging more with our products summary pages. and addition wehave done a lot to make improvements on our home page based on the different metrics thatwe have. again this is just a shot of our homepage and i am going to show you actuallywhat we have been working to design and walk you through the right column of the page andtalk about the different elements that we have been working to appropriate. so firstknowing that users are on the site potentially for 0 to 10 seconds we wanted to make surethat the slider that we have says always the first most important image of this slidercomes first. in the past we have tended to
put things in the order that we had createdsomething new or may be -- and then we assume that our users were going to be seeing allthe elements on the slider but knowing how long somebody might be on the homepage thatreally was a signal to us that we need to make sure to put the most important contentupfront to ensure that if the user comes into the homepage they are going to see that image.next we have streamlined what came right underneath the slider really putting a premium on theways that you can stay connected with ge gao making sure we have the icon -- so that thatpage is a premium spot on the homepage. and then another thing we have done is work tographically showcase the different collections that we have that i've been talking aboutlike our high-risk application work and on
the homepage that we are working to developan room roll out we have created medallions for each of these different websites withinour gao.gov site and are using the italians to graphically showcase these items. we havealso moved them higher up on our webpage so that on our homepage so that there -- theyare more visible on the homepage and hopefully drive more traffic to the important bodiesof works that we have. next we have streamlined some of these other things we had a spotlightpage at the top which was about four or five lines in then we had another section at thebottom which provided many other links and what we have done here is really focused inon what we thought were the key items, the key content and also tried to bring in moregraphics to make it more visually appealing
so using the different microphone icon -- usingthe icon we have for our e-mail and then even using these color blocks for different resourcebooks that we have our yellow book are green but blue book so right when you're lookingat them on the homepage these jump out at you a little bit more. and as well we haveupdated our twitter. this is something really from a combination of looking at how peoplewere navigating in the traffic pages through analytics and also through usability testingwhere we saw a lot of people were relying on it so that meant when we launched the sectionfor key issues it was very important for us to update and also make sure it is meetingall the best practices and again trying to streamline the content that is there so userscan easily find what they are looking for.
and that brings me to the end of our my presentation.>> great thank you so much sarah. i just want to remind anyone if you have a question youcan raise your hand or type it in the chat box and we do have some questions alreadyready to go so i am just going to jump right and. first of all can you tell folks whatversion of google analytics you are using. are you using the free version>> yes. >> we have a question from ken about bouncerate. do you feel that the high bounce rate reflects only this interest or do you thinkthey are associated with navigation problems and i know when we ask folks we talked abouthow some people know where they're going and they come to the page they highlight the sectionthey want for a report and then they leave
so how do you grill that all-out?>> i think part of how we do that is looking at the flow of traffic in our site lookingat the visitor flow through analytics to see patterns of behavior where they are navigatingto and also looking at what is the starting pages they are coming in on and really focusingon that and then we do a lot of -- well we started to do more usability testing and soi think analytics gives us a really strong hunch that maybe we could fix her up withthe design of our products summary pages and so that was something we did have a few questionsfocused on our products summary page and users did ring up identify several usability challengesthat we have been able to turn into action items and start working on.>> great. what kind of user tester are you
doing are you using log in testing are youusing a customer stat to look or? >> our visibility testing we have developedabout a personas representing different key users of our site and again analytics canbe a great way to help identify who some of these key users are because we can see thedifferent traffic coming in from service centers so we can see a lot of traffic coming fromother federal agencies so we would want to have a purse sonnet that would be a federalmanager for example and then in our usability's testing we have tested -- they brought inpeople to meet those personas and have done a couple of sessions now where users havecome in and then we will have tasks that we want to do and actually one of those peoplewho do these abilities detesting -- he got
office training so i know they have a lotof resources for you on this and then we can identify some things from analytics we wantto test as well as initiative that we have going on at our site.>> great. what has been the user reaction to the new icons that you have created haveyou done stage specific surveys to see if people are found what they expected on thoseicons? >> are you talking about the medallions here?gmac i think so. >> so actually this is on right now on ourinternal development site at the new home page and the medallions and we did actuallyuse the development site and our usability testing and both in terms of navigating onthe updated homepage and in direct comparison
users were more easily able to navigate withthe new home page to find the content they were looking for and they also preferred itin comparison so that was a really great way for us to be able to validate this was a stepin the right direction. and addition we also tested our forthcoming key issues that willbe part of our primary navigation and we did identify a couple usability challenges andwe did that and it prompted us to redesign the entry page and include more of the benefitoverview for the function and then what we did was we have a designer and house and shecreated several different entry pages and then we did testing. i think we had 50 to100 people i am not sure who participated in the testing to help inform the design thatwe were going with for that page and that
actually does include those new icons, themedallions. so they have seem to be really popular in our initial testing.>> that is great. i had also a question about the quick links at the bottom will the quicklinks changed based on metrics you see in terms of popular pages?>> that is definitely possible and we really tried to design that page with flexibilityand it also will change because part of what will go there is our press releases so aswe have new press releases we can use that spot to feature new press releases and thereis some flexibility in the spacing of it so if we need to have three or four press releaseswe can or if we need to we can do that or if some page pops up is really popular orsomething happens we want to feature there
we can divine the space to do that we canmake an icon for it so definitely. >> that's great. can you explain why thatfax best practice is to remove the internal traffic from your metrics?>> they use -- internal visitors have a different focus than the public can you speak to thatlittle bit? >> sure from what i have read and i trainingit is the best is to remove the d -- than your actual users and primarily the web idid for agencies is designed to be the public one of the public faces of the agency andso we really need to know what the public interaction is like with our website and thatmay differ from our internal users. i know that i probably navigate the site differentlybecause i am on the site all day long looking
at several different aspects requesting differentthings and so for example when we were making that decision about where we wanted to movethe disasters contents on our site we want to feature it and give it a medallion or dowe want to integrate it into the topical key issues area. i was on that site constantlyi probably looked at it probably 300 times in a quarter looking at what the content iswhat is the best place for this and so it also would've really shown a higher trafficfor certain pages especially with the developers working on specific page. you could be gettinga lot of traffic and if you are not careful at least to identify and isolate that trafficit could even mess -- misrepresent the data. and just as a follow-up question to that doyou then review the internal traffic and look
possibly to add that content to maybe an internet?>> we do have an internet which is separately managed and i don't spend a lot of time tobe honest reviewing our internal traffic to as our site i know it accounts for about 5%of traffic to our site in any given wheat or week or the quarter but because i workin our public affairs office my role is much more focused on what they're doing and tobe fair our own internal traffic is such a small portion of the site. we do have a reallyrobust internet as well so it is possible that there could be some usable addition inanalytics but nothing that is has been apparent to me so far.>> okay. are you able to track whether a person comes into it leader posting verses from anindependent posting?
>> that is a great question and actually wecan track that because of the way that we do our tweets. we add a little bit of extracode to each of them and so then we can look at those specific referral link and from twitteror you can search the space on the code that we had so then i can get a summary or a groupof all of those and how many cavemen or look at individual sources that i want to see.i can generally know >> so the campaign url is that?>> if something similar to that. do you submit performance for your agency or you just usingthem internally for improving the performance of the website. that's a great question. ido a bit of both i report on a weekly basis of limited set of metrics which include alot of google analytics information, how many
people came how many pages did they see andi will note if there was a big jump from last week and then i also like to look if any pagesin any given week. maybe there was a process story on that sent a lot of traffic to oursite or even i see things where a lot of the kids on facebook and there was a facebookchat group that happened to discuss on that so in addition to that weekly reporting whichgoes through a more limited number of people and also through a quarterly report and itis about 7 to 10 pages and it really focuses on some high level key questions like whocame to our site, how many people came to our site, what were they looking for, howengaged where they. i'm trying to answer some basic questions about the site each quarterand monitor our traffic does from quarter
to quarter and then went that i make the metricspresentations like right now and another one that is updated for our fourth quarter andi present that to different working groups within the agencies and different staff meetingsof the agencies so that people at all levels of the agency can see how their work getsviewed by the public and just know what we are doing in public affairs to make our websiteand content more useful. >> rate. you talked about the product pagebeing more than 50% of the traffic coming in on a product page. how are you trackingour people downloading that report. is that part of the google analytics?>> know this is actually a great question and sometimes a little bit tricky becausenormally google analytics does not track pdf
downloads unless you have added code to yoursite to track downloads as an event. from our product summary pages pdf actually opensup as another window another webpage and so google does track that because it looks likethey went to a second page. so i can see from the product summary page how many people then go on to the homepage orhow many people go to a page and download the report. i will say that there are waysto people can link specifically to our pdf file which then google might not recognizethem coming into our site. and so it is not going to count that and so we do have othertools that we use in addition to google analytics to look specifically at tracking how manytimes our servers are used in pdf files. >> great thanks.>> you talked a little bit about what you
report as performance metrics and how areyou able to present that data which really when we are asked for those things is kindof straight data. do you sit down with those and provide the context they are because thatis what really makes it meaningful. >> i think a little bit of both. in my writtenquarterly report that i do i know that a lot of the people that read it are very high atmanagers that are agencies and they don't have a lot of time and so that first pageis a really high level summary of all the key point of the rest of the document so ifthey are going to read one page they can read that page. it has a main page -- it is themain points and then i do make the report it is very classic heavy. i don't know ifyou can tell from the presentation i love
making graphics [laughter] and sending datain a way i try to make it as engaging as possible and entertaining as possible doing thingsinstead of giving a list of the top words that we can search for using tools like wordaldwych a free tool online to make the words. you can see what you are searching for a gaothe biggest thing that they were searching for instead of saying 50% of people searchfor the word gao and came into our site. so things like that and then also i do give presentationson the data regularly so that is another way where people who are interested informationcan get a little bit more of the context like we are doing now and i always make sure thereis a lot of q&a time so that i can engage with everyone that i am presenting to andget all the questions answered.
>> when you present these metrics is it amandatory type of meeting, is that a meeting that is solely focused on this or how is itintegrated how if you been able to get people to pay attention?>> great. well the first time that i gave this presentation was a few months back andnow was to different working groups in our agency. one for our website, one that looksthat are products broadly. there might've been another group there and a lot of seniormanagers at that meeting so throughout the agency who are -- or distributing our productscould see really important data that we are using to make decisions and that was the first.since then i tend to present this at staff meetings for different mission teams in ouragency. if anybody is familiar we have different
mission teams for example our homeland securityand justice team and that was the last time that i get this presentation was that oneof their staff meetings. i had about 30 min. of time so about 20 min. to go through thatpresentation and about 10 min. for q&a and then i also welcome any questions afterwards.you can always e-mail me. we also have an internal newsletter at our agency called managementnews and this was featured at the initial presentation at the top story and that isfor everybody at her agency and also our retired folks as well and they could get a copy ofthe written report and also were given contact information if they had any questions so wereally worked to make this information accessible. >> great. are you currently using any kindof customer satisfaction survey in coordination
with your performance metrics?>> we also do use that at our agents the and modern and monitor that on a weekly basisas well. and then when you do the reports d integrate that information?>> i don't personally put them into the analytics report. the analytics report there is so muchthere already and i really try to focus it in on what we have done from analytics anda little bit in court nation with the usability testing because with that site sometimes wetest what are users use and then i can say and we tested this. and then also i will focus-- i put a little bit of appendage or two which will provide a more comprehensive reviewsome of our special media efforts like how much our facebook followers grew in the quarter,church footer followers grew in the quarter
and then i will ask for things like more extensivereports on what congress is doing because we do all the work congress so i will havean up appendage listing of congress talking a little more extensively about their engagementwith the site and the papers that they are doing.>> great. this was my question i think when we first met so i'm going to put it out there.can you talk about how big your analytics team is and who you work with to produce thesereports and do all the work you're talking about today?>> she knows the answer this is -- i do this this is my primary responsibility at my joband i also work on their usability testing so it is pretty much a full-time job for onethat i do work on other things and then any
new projects we have going on for the websitei like to be involved in all of those meetings so that i can be person there who can alwayshave user experience in mind because i am sure you know about the content that you'reputting on this sent the key content that they want to contain convey the messages thatthey have and it is also really am and have somebody in the room thinking about how wouldyou use this or are you going to understand if you are not familiar with all the termsand try to identify what may he may be jargon or what could be easier ways for somebodyto navigate to different areas and so i like to really try to give voice to that as wework on different initiatives. >> has the culture changed so that folks arenow coming to you and asking so that they
can make business decisions rather than youkind of interjecting in a meeting and being let's take a look at the data first type ofinteractions? >> i think a little bit of both i definitelyget questions about how this section is doing and definitely already involved a lot in differentwebsites so people know that they can ask me but as i said we have also had analyticson our science bite and smit march. we have the initiative to follow after the first presentationthat i made on the topic so it is still a little bit of learning on my end as well aboutwhat works presenting information. i give the presentation were often what questionsdo i get multiple times so i can be sure to address those as i go. different questionsthat i will get after my quarterly written
report gets distributed and even in the weeklyreports i do i think how or what i must highlight each week and how it is sort of change tokind of give a little bit more interesting facts about the website. when i was firstdoing that i might've said all while we have a lot more traffic from this one site thisweek and then the next question about why and what are we looking at. the next weeki knew to say oh okay we have a lot of traffic from this site and they were all going forthis report so things like that and i am just learning as i am working on this as well abouthow much to dig down into much detail to provide. >> great to marquis jones. cam says that itwas a very interesting discussion on the icon sizing icon i as saying content and the yellowbook is a good example of the success you've
had. have you thought of moving the left navigationcompletely to the right side? >> so our navigation site tends to get moretraffic than the right and what we have on the left is actually are running of our issuereports and for us and our report and also they are a really key content that we areputting out we want to make sure that his waistband centers though it is definitelysome ring that we feel that is working pretty well and we want to make sure that that issafe. >> great and are you using google enteredanalytics on your internet and that's not what analytics are you using?>> i do not work on our intranet. i do not believe that they have analytics but i amnot 100% sure.
>> okay. well this is been great thank youso much there and again thank you for doing this on short notice. i just wanted to mentionthat this is really important right now because as agencies move forward with digital strategyand collecting -- this is a great way to show that you can make a report super interestingvisually and that gives a lot of meaningful data and suggestions on how we can changeour visual properties. i also wanted to mention that we did all of so offer a webinar on usinganalytics on the past and we do have that on my on-demand pages and you can find thatit so offer a webinar on using analytics on the past and we do have that on my on-demandpages and you can find that it@howto.gov/training on the on-demand section and i wanted to mentionthat i will be sending out a survey about
this event so we can offer more of these kindsof training hand-in-hand with the digital strategy as i said agencies move forward implementingthe milestones that we are asked to complete so again thank you so much sarah and we willhave these resources up and out in about honey four hours so you can look for the recordingand maybe sarah will share the link to her presentation if we are lucky [laughter] . sothanks again and thanks everyone for joining. >> thank you all for listening. [event concluded]
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