Vitafusion Calcium Gummies Side Effects
my prenatal vitamin makes me sick! morning sickness is really common in the firsttrimester. it is probably better to wait until you are not throwing up to take the prenatalvitamin. i get nausea but very little vomiting in themorning. however, the prenatal vitamin makes me sick any time i take it. sometimes the supplement tastes so bad thatsomeone who cannot stand the smell of meat cannot stand the taste of the pill. ask thedoctor to recommend a good tasting prenatal vitamin, like those chocolate calcium chewsand gummy vitamins. now you’re making me hungry.
for a lot of women, the iron pills the doctorgives them for anemia makes them throw up. for others, the outer layer of the prenatalvitamin tastes so bad that they cannot stand it. i do not think i’m taking an iron pill. you probably need to, especially if you won’ttake an iron supplement and meat makes you ill. so try beans, apricots and raisins toget the iron and take a daily vitamin instead plus leafy green vegetables. but i’m pregnant – doesn’t it have tobe a prenatal vitamin? the biggest difference between prenatal vitaminsand regular vitamins are the increased quantity
- so take vitamins for two. and it gets extra folate, extra iron and extracalcium. well, i’m certainly not going to get thatfrom a broccoli and steak dinner, since i cannot stand either right now. yogurt with walnuts and folate enriched breadfor breakfast is a good solution. the main thing is getting enough folate to reduce therisk of neural tube defects. i’ve never heard of that. once they added folate to bread, like theextra iron they added to breads, the incidence
of neural tube defects like spina bifida droppedby a quarter. so getting enough vitamins early on actuallymakes a difference. or, rather, not getting enough increases therisk of problems. my primary problem is throwing up the micronutrientsource the doctor is recommending. so ask the doctor for a supplement that tastesbetter, like a gummy prenatal vitamin. it costs a little more than the generic. it is worth it if i do not throw it up. wait until later in the day to take it, andthen take it with food that doesn’t irritate your stomach. or put it in your chocolatepudding made with milk or ice cream and pretend
it is a dessert. that won’t make me sick, just make me exceedmy weight gain recommendations.
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