
Prenatal Gummy Vitamins With Iron And Calcium
[music] hi my name is rhonda dial andthis is true health today. i've been an herbalist for 32years. when i learned about herbs andnatural health it changed my life and even my family tree. i was so amazed i wanted to tellthe world. i found out that most peopleknew very little about natural health. so i set out to educate.
and i've been teaching eversince. i believe god has createdeverything we need on this earth and god's pharmacy are herbs andplants. the whole premise of what i workoff of is you feed your body the food it needs and it has the godgiven ability to rebuild itself. this program will give you moreknowledge of natural health and give you the opportunity to askquestions. you can email or give us a call. also note that all of mysponsors are very much involved
with natural health. some of them are herbalists andthey come to class every week. settle in and enjoy the program. hi i'm here talking with dr. miacowan. how are you doing? --i'm great. --you know what would you liketo talk about today? this time of year a lot ofpeople are having challenges with a few things.
--especially weight. --that is a good subject. --so a lot of people ask me whatare some good things to do to make sure that they can maintainweight during the holidays. and what i usually recommend isto continue to do what they were doing before the holidays andthe other thing is to remember that the holiday is one day. so for example thanksgiving iscoming up or christmas is coming up or may have already passed.
but christmas is one day andthanksgiving would be one day. so on thanksgiving, wake up, dosome exercise, make sure you're doing all the right thingsduring the week before thanksgiving, counting calories,staying within your calorie range. and even if you want to decreasethe calories by 100 for monday, tuesday and wednesday beforethanksgiving and then on thursday for thanksgiving youcan add those additional calories.
make sure you're not skippingmeals and you don't go to dinner starving. and that way you make betterchoices. --that is such a good idea. that's a way people can have theday, eat pretty much what they need to. of course not stuff themselves. --right you just don't want toget miserably full. and then another good thing isbe active with the kids.
most people are with families,are going outside, not staying around the food the whole day. and just being active with thekids would help burn off a few of those extra calories we mayeat. --for sure, our family has atradition of taking a walk after thanksgiving dinner. that'd be good if it was apretty day. --that's right and then you knowget up in the morning and do a little bit of exercise beforeyou start cooking.
--yep go ahead and burn thosecalories off before you put them in. --and then i usually say, youknow, load your plate with more of the healthy options. so you might not want to get 2scoops of macaroni and cheese but like your greens and yourgreen beans, turkey is good if it's not fried. i mean you can still have it ifit's fried, just more of the healthy things and taste some ofthe things that aren't as
healthy especially if you'retrying to lose. now if you're just trying tomaintain then you can just take that day as a, you know, hit andhave it whatever you want. --good and of course if whitepotatoes are available and sweet potatoes are available which onewould be the better choice? --sweet potatoes. --for sure have more fiber. --that's right. --introduce themselves in theblood stream slower.
much better way to go. awesome and one little desert isok. --right and drink plenty ofwater during the meal and right before so that you don't eat toomany calories. --excellent. thank you so much. y'all these are some great tipsand y'all give dr. mia cowan a call. she'll help you out in so manyother ways with your health.
and she'll help you to addressit naturally. hi folks i'm here with billyfrom blair remodeling. how are you doing today? --doing great rhonda how areyou? --very good thank you. now i wanted to talk to youtoday about roofs. 'cause we all probably have oneif we own a home. and at some point we might needto replace it. now how do people know that theyneed to replace their roof?
--well the first sign would beany kind of leaks in your house. when you start seeing spots onyour ceiling that show that waters been getting in. that would be a first indicator. --ok. --from the exterior you can lookand see where shingles maybe don't look right. where they could be buckles orthey could be missing. --and those would be some signsthat maybe you need to have a
contractor come out and look atit. --or if you've lived in yourhouse for 30 years it might be time to change that. --if you've lived in your for 30years and not replaced your roof you've been lucky to have madeit this long. --so it would be better toreplace it before you have a problem? --that's correct. --very good.
now how do you choose acontractor for a roof? --well as a homeowner you needto protect yourself. the roofing industries changedin the last several years and what you have is a lot of doorknocking companies. and they will come knock at yourdoor and solicit your business right there. and now they will tell you thatyou have damage. and they'll tell you this atnight too when they can't even see your roof.
but they're there to hopefullyget your insurance involved, get them to pay for your roof andyou're signing a contract to them to do that work. just be very cautious with thattype of contractor. i'm not saying they're all bad. but there's been a lot of badones that actually went through the process the homeowner gotthe first check, the insurance approved the claim, thehomeowner got the first check, issued that to the contractorand the contractor never came
back. so what we say is for one is donot pay a contractor any money at all, a roofing contractor,any money at all until they are completely finished with yourproject. --wow so nothing down, no moneyahead of time? --absolutely not. --because the project usuallytakes no more than a few days so they're really not out any moneyin the time frame it would take for them to be finished.
there's no reason for them toget a deposit. and wait till the very end whenyou're happy then you need to pay the contractor. --that makes a lot of sense. that keeps people from gettingripped off for sure. --right. and another thing you may wantto do too is, you know, check with the bbb. and check what someone's ratingis, how many claims they've had.
and if they claims have beenresolved. and the main thing too with thebbb is look how long they've been in business. you'll find that someone's an a+rated company and they've actually only been in businessfor 6 months. --now how long have y'all beendoing business? --since 1965. --wow. --and we've been a member of thebbb since 1978.
--with an a+ rating. --fantastic. well folks if y'all areinterested in having a new roof put on your home give blairremodeling a call. when we come back we're gonnatalk about water. i love to say gotta have enoughwater to flush a toilet. y'all think about that. i'm rhonda dial a masterherbalist. i've been helping folks inalabama with natural health for
32 years. i found out about natural healthat a very desperate time in my life and truly believe that itsaved me. if you are at a time in yourlife where you need help please don't hesitate to give me acall. i believe god created everythingwe need on this earth. my job is to help you find yourbest choice in god's pharmacy. contact me at 733-7000. well it looks like another wetone folks, possible
thunderstorms over the next fewhours, cloudy.... when you have a roofing problemhire a professional you can trust. you're local gas master eliteroofing contractor are the ones who care. call blair. hello i'm denise. my sister winel and i own enjoyhealthfoods in jasper across from wal-mart.
we carry the highest qualityproducts available. the brands you have been lookingfor. we also carry gluten free foods,ezekiel breads, protein shakes, raw local honey, peach balancedwater and many bulk herbs. come by or give us a call. our number is 205-384-4372. we look, forward to seeing youand have a blessed day. hello i'm dr. mia cowan ofmibella wellness center and my focus is your total health andwellness.
at mibella we offercompassionate gynecology services to adolescents andwoman focusing on traditional and holistic treatment options. we also offer physician directedweight loss, smart lipo, cellulite reduction,hydro-facials and other aesthetic procedures for bothmen and women. i personally invite you to takea beautiful approach to health at mibella for your gynecology,weight loss and aesthetic needs. we look forward to serving you.
in 2005 my father and i openedorganic harvest with one goal to provide the most helpful serviceand best organic values in birmingham. and so we built organic harvestoffering the best values on a wide array of special organicproduce and groceries. a helpful supplement staff withover 100 years of experience and an organic cafe with a greatselection of organic foods. so visit us on facebook for a $5coupon and drop in today. and you'll see why our customersmade organic harvest the number
one family owned organic marketin alabama. hello i'm cathy o'berry realtorat remax first choice. you know with the market we'vehad today consumers desperately need an experience realtor forone of the largest financial transactions most people willmake in their lifetime. it makes a huge differencehaving a trusted professional by their side. i've been selling homes in thebirmingham area for 17 years and have helped over 1,000 familieseither buy or sell a home.
call me today at 965-3147. this afternoon we are here atorganic harvest in hoover and i am with caroline. how are you today? --i'm good rhonda thank you. --good now my soapbox that istand on all the time is water. i always like for people to behydrated and be drinking enough. but if we go to the trouble toclean water up and try to drink purified water they containerthat it goes in really does
matter. do you agree? --oh i most definitely agree. and actually we have a number ofdifferent options to store your water throughout the day. depending of course where youare and the temperatures outside too. --yes. now plastics can, the water canleach out of that plastic so bpa
free is something that peopleare looking for. and you have several differentcontainers here in different sizes. some with spouts, some withlittle pop-tops, unscrew, that kind of thing. and then you also have stainlesssteel containers. --we do. --i really like stainless steel. and that's easy for people tocarry around.
it's got a little handle, thattype of thing. --you can put hot or cold. --that works as well. now 'cause you really don't wantto freeze water. oh my goodness so many people dothat don't they? --they do. --is put a water bottle in thefreezer and then again it's going to leach and also inplastic you don't want to leave it in the car.
and in alabama it can get prettywarm sometimes. --oh it can get extremely warmand actually they've done a number of studies. there's testimonies fromcelebrities out there who have actually had cancer and couldn'treally trace it back to any particular reason as to why theygot cancer. but some of them actually foundthe water bottles that they were storing in their car under hightemperatures was leaching into the water and they were actuallydrinking you know.
--too much zeno estrogen. --too much and so the glassactually alleviates that and you can just store those in yourcar. you've got water all day longand you don't have to worry about the plastic leaching intothe water. --that is fantastic. now this is my favorite righthere. it is glass surrounded byplastic and it has a little handle.
i actually have this purple onemyself. and i call it my church goingcontainer. because it is very fancy. it has a little pop-top to it. and i just absolutley love it. it's got a little handle. it's easy to carry. and this can get got or cold. and it won't leach at all 'causeit's glass.
but these containers y'all havehere available and this is not something people can just pickup anywhere. --you need to have this onetoday because you're outfit. it matches perfectly. --it does. but these are great. you can use them as like afashion accessory if you wanted to. but it's a cool way to justcarry your water around.
they don't break. you know you can literally dropthat on the tile floor and it won't shatter. --that is awesome. y'all come over here to organicharvest. they have these cool waterbottles. and they'd make an awesome giftfor the holidays as well. y'all have a blessed day. hi folks i'm here with cathyo'berry.
--i'm good rhonda. --well you know you and i haveknown each other for several years and you are an awesomereal estate agent. but i don't know how to describeyou except that you are just full service in a lot ofdifferent ways. and a lot of people try to bewho they are in their profession. but we always have otherinterests as well. and you do care about naturalhealth for yourself and when you
have a client in the real estatebusiness and they say something about a health concern do youever go down that path with them? --i do. i do. --you know it's 'cause you careand you really want to help them find a home but also behealthier. so let's just say and i am in mysecond 50 years, if my husband and i decided we wanted todownsize, and we wanted to get
into a smaller home, have youever had that to occur when somebody called you and said oki'm tired of all these stairs. i need to just one level? --many times. --now when you get in their dothey ever say anything about oh i'm having trouble going up anddown these stairs again? does that ever happen? --that happens all the time. --so you know what might you sayto them if they said ok my knees
hurt, i'm having a few issues? what might you say? --well that happens frequentlybecause you know when we sell houses to people being realtorswe end up becoming friends and then you sell their familyhouses, their children houses. and so you just get to befriends after you've been around for so long. and but i do care about myclients and they, yes when you hear people talking about thingslike that.
all of the studies that i'vedone you can't help but offer some suggestions to them. and you know i've just beenhelped so much with my medical issues to where you want tooffer that to someone else. --definitely so you might sayhmm how much water do you drink. i've heard that's beneficial. --for those joints, how muchessential fatty acids do you consume you know we need oil forout joints things like that. you know they're just basicsimples.
you know when i'm describing topeople that their body is very similar to a car, water, oil andfood or water, oil and gasoline, very similar. those are basics that we canshare with anybody. --rhonda you have taught me todrink water and i carry a mason jar around with me all the time. everybody knows i'm coming withmy mason jar. --when i go to closingsattorneys ask me what's in that jar?
but they know i drink a lot ofwater. --thank y'all very much. y'all give cathy o'berry a call. when we come back we're gonnatalk about pregnancy. doesn't it seem like every oneyou know is pregnant right now? your new timberline roof isdone. let me walk you through. once you've seen the beauty ofa timberline roof you'll want one for your very own.
timberline america's favoriteroof. for all the ones who care callblair. i don't know if you've noticedlately but there are an awful lot of pregnant women around. basically in my life i have hadthree daughters pregnant and it is something that's realimportant to me for women to stay very healthy during thistime in their life. so if you're trying to conceivea child or if you've found yourself pregnant and you wonderif there's any natural things
you can do there are. first off natural prenatalvitamins. it's so important when the ironis absorbable by your body then you don't have to take yourprenatal right before you go to bed. because it's really better tohave those prenatal vitamins in the morning when you need theenergy. and if they don't make you sickbecause the iron is organically derived makes all the differencein the world.
and we have a product callednatures prenatal. another thing you might look atis red raspberry. it is a fantastic herb. we have it in a liquid form soyou can just put a few drops in water. it tastes very good andhistorically red raspberry is used to strengthen the uterinewall. so it helps with any spottingyou might have during pregnancy. and it's also phenomenally goodto keep your iron levels up to
par and it is something that alot of women use when they just feel nauseous. and so there's many differentthings that can benefit you. if you go to my websiterhondadial.com and click on product list you can read aboutthese for yourself and see if they might help. some other herbs that could bevery beneficial during this time are basically uello dock. it's naturally rich in iron aswell.
it's about 40% iron but it's noconstipating 'cause it's just an herb. it's just a plant. another thing is in addition toyour prenatals you might want to look at extra calcium. now this is not for the baby. it's for you. the baby gets everything itneeds during pregnancy. but basically it might leave youhanging.
so if you need more calcium orherbs rich in calcium naturally we have one formula calledherbal ca. you might find benefit fromthat. read about it on my website. also there is something in thelast 5 weeks of pregnancy you might want to look at. it's called 5-w standing for thelast 5 weeks of pregnancy. it's basically getting the bodyready for delivery. now it doesn't make you go intolabor but it gets you ready for
that time frame. another gift i love to give oncepeople have the baby is called catnip and fennel. it is a liquid and basically hasmany uses but so many of these babies come into this world withacid reflux and digestive issues, even colic. it's a wonderful tool. i hope you've learned somethingfrom this today. and if you're interested justgive me a call.
i'll tell you more. i'm here in jasper today and i'mtalking to denise. how are you? --great how are you? --you're one of the owners hereat enjoy health food and i thought we would talk aboutchildren today. --my favorite subject. --yes you and i both havegrandchildren. we are very proud grandparentsbut you know why do people come
in here and ask questions abouttheir children and grandchildren? --well it may be because of thepersonal stories that i share with people about my owngrandchild. she has taken supplements andherbs since she could take them. --right they have to have teethright? --yeah we started with theteething tablets. --right and then those arehomeopathic so they're totally safe.
homeopathic are approved by thefda 'cause they can't hurt you. so it won't hurt a little babyto take. now once they get some teeth andthey want a gummy bear or something like that do you havesupplements that are shaped like that? --i do more and more companiesare coming out with gummies for kids because they just enjoythose more than a capsule or liquid. i can't get mine to take aliquid but she will chew a
chewable or a gummy. --right now the gummy's don'thave any artificial colors or sugars. they are all natural. now which ones does she like orwhich ones do you chose to give her? --well her favorite and myfavorite are the nature sunshine, sunshine heroes. now she takes all of these andthis is her little treat.
she starts with themultivitamin. she knows she gets tow of those. she knows she gets two of theelderberry. she knows that she gets four ofthe omega. and she loves those becausethey're fish shaped. and those are her favorite. and then we do the whole foodantioxidant because she doesn't eat because what kid does? --so i give her the whole foodantioxidant so she is getting
the greens and things that sheneeds. --'cause that has a full servingof fruits and vegetables. --yes and then the last onethere is calcium plus d3. if a child's not getting enoughgreen foods and that is really hard to get some children to eatgreen foods. that way they can get enoughcalcium out of a supplement. --exactly. --and of course the d3 is veryhelpful with your immune system. well i have taken all of thesethings myself.
if i didn't want to swallow acapsule. we have clients who say i can'tswallow capsules do you have anything in a chewable? so these are not just forchildren. adults can take them as well. but it's really good for peopleto know if their child has an illness or if they just need tobuild them up because they're not eating properly you havesome tools in here that'll help them.
--oh yeah. --not just for adults. --well thank you very much forhaving us out here today at enjoy health food in jasper. come in and give them a looksy. [christmas music] "merry christmas." i want to tell you about myplace go natural herbs and fitness.
we're in hoover on valleydaleroad near interstate 65. at our shop we offer footbathdetox, ear candling and we have a cool assessment tool calledthe compass. we also have fitness classes andmany other weight loss tools. i do teach classes every tuesdaynight at 6:00 pm. for a list of the classesoffered go to my website rhondadial.com. now if you like to read i dohave a book out called true health series.
the first one is on energy. i also help people to figure outwhat they need nutritionally by doing a consult. that way you don't spend moneyon things you don't need. for an appointment to see mecall 733-7000. you can also go to my websiterhondadial.com to find out what's going on at go naturalherbs and fitness. i hope y'all have a very blessedday.
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